Design Migration

Design Migration

The transition from Admin UI to Shoreline 1.0 includes the update, addition, and removal of components. Understand what has changed and how to use the new resources.


A new library was created for Shoreline components in Figma, so the Admin UI components won't change to the Shoreline components automatically. Activate the Shoreline – Components (opens in a new tab) library in your file to start using the new components. In ongoing files that use Admin UI and that will now use Shoreline, we recommend that you deactivate the Admin UI library to avoid confusion when applying foundations and components.


Find below the list of Admin UI components and which Shoreline components and their variants replace them in Figma. If you want to know more about the components’ usage, consult their best practices documentation.


The previous info and positive variants are now called informational and success, respectively.


The component is now called Link.


The component doesn't exist in Shoreline 1.0. If necessary, use the Admin UI component and customize it with the Shoreline 1.0 foundations.

Bulk Actions

The component doesn't exist in Shoreline 1.0. If necessary, use the Admin UI component and customize it with the Shoreline 1.0 foundations.


  • tertiary neutral was removed and should be replaced by tertiary in most cases.
  • critical secondary was removed and should be replaced by tertiaryCritical in most cases.
  • A button that includes only an icon now exists as a separate component called IconButton.


The component doesn't exist in Shoreline 1.0. Create and implement a card using the Shoreline 1.0 foundations. The border radius should be border-radius-medium and the border color should be border-base.


This component now only includes a single checkbox. For a group of checkboxes, use the the CheckboxGroup component.


The component doesn't exist in Shoreline 1.0. If necessary, use the Admin UI component and customize it with the Shoreline 1.0 foundations.

Data View

The component is now called Collection.

Date Picker

  • The component now called DatePicker includes only a single date selection.
  • For a date range selection, use the new component DateRangePicker.


The component doesn't exist in Shoreline 1.0. Create and implement a divider using the Shoreline 1.0 foundations. The border color should be border-base and the stroke should be 1px.


This component now only includes a single filter. A group of filters can be implemented using the single filters.


  • secondary and tertiary neutral variants were removed and should be replaced by tertiary in most cases.
  • iconPosition start and iconPosition end variants were replaced by more actions and custom label variants respectively.


  • The size variants continue the same.
  • A modal that serves to confirm an action should use the new component ConfirmationModal.

Number Input

The component doesn't exist in Shoreline 1.0. Use the TextInput component and implement it in a way that accepts only numbers.


The layout variants continue the same. Screen size variants were added.


The component exists with the same name.


  • Popover doesn't exist as a separate component in Figma. It exists in code and can be implemented.
  • Create a popover using the content component from the Support Elements library, the border radius should be border-radius-medium, the border color should be border-base, and the shadow should be shadow-1.

Radio Group

The component exists with the same name.


The component exists with the same name.


The component exists with the same name.

Select Inline

The component doesn't exist in Shoreline 1.0. If necessary, use the Admin UI component and customize it with the Shoreline 1.0 foundations.


The previous roundrect variant is now called rect.


  • white was replaced by fg-inverted.
  • gray was replaced by fg-soft.
  • blue was replaced by fg-accent.
  • red was replaced by fg-critical.
  • orange was replaced by fg-warning.
  • green was replaced by fg-success.
  • lightBlue was replaced by fg-informational.
  • cyan, pink, purple, and teal were removed and should be replaced by one of the currently existing options, according to the scenario.
  • yellow was added.


The component doesn't exist in Shoreline 1.0. Previous applications can be replaced with another more suitable component, such as a Checkbox if it is a binary selection that needs to be submitted, a Button if it represents an action that requires confirmation, or a custom solution. If it is the case of using a Switch – a binary selection that has an immediate effect – use the Admin UI component and customize it with the Shoreline 1.0 foundations.


The component is now called TabList.


Tags now have two variants related to prominence: primary and secondary. Use according to your context. Size and color variants remain the same.

Text Area

The component exists with the same name.

Text Input

The component is now called Input.


The previous info and positive variants are now called informational and success, respectively.


The component exists but its usage was refined. It can be replaced by a Tooltip or a ContextualHelp according to the scenario.


The component doesn't exist in Shoreline 1.0. If necessary, use the Admin UI component and customize it with the Shoreline 1.0 foundations.

What is new

Components that didn't exist in the Admin UI library and were added to Shoreline:

  • Confirmation Modal
  • Date Range Picker
  • Empty State
  • Icon Button

Understand their usage by reading their best practices (opens in a new tab) documentation.