Extending Component Behavior

Extending Component Behavior

Composable components, by definition, possess a prop named asChild. When this property is set to true, it alters the behavior of the component. Instead of rendering in the usual manner, it renders its children and injects its internal props into them.

Here is an example of using a composable component, rendering it as a div:

<Component asChild>
  <div {...myProps}>...</div>

This results in rendering analogous to:

<div {...myProps} {...injectedComponentProps}></div>

Usage Example

An illustrative example is provided using the MenuTrigger component, which is composable. It can be rendered as a button or any other clickable element:

function ComposabilityExample() {
  return (
      <MenuTrigger asChild>

Availability in Shoreline

Not all components are composable

The composition feature will not be present in every component of Shoreline. This decision was made to keep the simplicity of most components, only components where the use case is relevant will be composable. When available, the feature will be documented.

Compability of child components

All Shoreline components are inherently designed to be compatible with composable components. This means that any component within Shoreline can seamlessly be used as a child for composable components, providing a high degree of flexibility and modularity in component composition.